Monday, 27 April 2009

When in robe...

Ahh, Sunday morning! Time to hit the cafe for some egg and chips and read the paper. Uh-oh.. what's this? Stewardess Lisa Ashton is sacked by BMI for refusing to walk behind men and wear a humiliating garment?

The tribunal actually ruled against her! I cannot for the life of me understand how that happened. They said that her employers had the right to impose "rules of a different culture".

Saudi Arabia is a sexist country, where women are treated as second class citizens - they aren't even allowed to vote, and are subject to many other abuses.

The silly regulations about wearing a humiliating garment and showing subservience to men by watching where you walk were more than enough justification for Ms Ashton to refuse to fly, IMO. But even if those rules were not mandated, I think that she would have had a reasonable case for refusing to go on ethical grounds alone: Saudi Arabia is a human rights disaster area.

Would the tribunal use that exact same logic about a black employee asked to travel to the Deep South in the 1950s or to South Africa in the 1980s? "Well, you know, they have a right to refuse to serve you in any of the good shops, because it's their culture. Walk behind the white crew members, and don't ever talk to white women!"

I think that the hypothetical black guy would be given a choice, and that everyone would understand if he declined such a wonderful opportunity to bask in warmer climes at the end of his flight.

I'm all for respecting other cultures - but only those cultures which actually deserve respect. What is happening in Saudi Arabia to women is an inexcusable travesty. Why on earth should I respect that? And why should anyone else (especially a woman) be forced to do likewise?

How about respecting women's human rights? BMI, if you're listening: that would be a good start. In the meantime, I'll be exercising my right to never fly with you again...

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